Please send the full information regarding the Michigan mini gathering if you would. There are a couple of other brothers that would like to know about this event! Thanks Much!!
Dave, I had not heard anything about this reunion. Would have loved to attend. As it is we will be landing in Rome Italy that morning for an all expense paid trip for my wife and I that we earned from one of my largest vendors--free trips trump mini-reunions. Ron Pellerito is also from Grand Rapids. Please contact him I am sure he would love to attend if he can. I am curious. Dave are you living in Michigan now? According to Dan's last master list you are from Euclid Oh.
If for some reason it works better for May 17th I could be counted in. If not then I hope you have a good turnout and the tour of the truck plant should be a treat. I would enjoy getting together with other Michigan Seawolves in the future. I have made my reservations at the hotel for Dallas.
they think they may change the date to may 10 will let you know. the host of the reunion is Ray Kopriva. he can be found on the master list if any questions arise, and yes i do live in eucild oh