brother seawolf graduated.

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brother seawolf graduated.

art stoneking
I don't know if anybody knew Bob Lytle.  I think he was on det 4.  I met him at Rheem field post vietnam.  We were there at the same time but I didnt know him.  We started hanging out...he married my sister, and then moved to Michigan.  I havent seen him for over 30 years and just found out that he passed on after a bout with colon cancer.   His friends called him "doc".  
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Re: brother seawolf graduated.

Dan Arnes
I'm sorry to hear that Art. I was not aware he married your sister.

I had looked for him in MI, but could find no phone#. All addresses I found were in FL.

I found no obituary, but Seawolf Robert Max "Doc" Lytle, AMS2, Gunner, Det 4, 1/3/1968 to 11/7/1968, is interned at:

Birth:  Jun. 8, 1946
Death:  Mar. 27, 2014

Fort Custer National Cemetery
Kalamazoo County
Michigan, USA

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Re: brother seawolf graduated.

kid purington
In reply to this post by art stoneking
..Rest Easy Seawolf...
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Re: brother seawolf graduated.

john moore
In reply to this post by art stoneking
Art, I flew with him on Det 4, I have some pics if you and Joyce would like of our det, get ahold of me.
John Moore