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What was the strangest thing in a "Care package" that you received in Nam ?

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What was the strangest thing in a "Care package" that you received in Nam ?

Mike Dobson
349 posts
I'll start it ---- While on Det 1 in 70 , my mother sent a CHERRY PIE to me --- it made in in about 5 days, was still all in the pan, although the crust was pressed down and cracked to hell and gone ---- and yes, as was common for us down there, it was "Share " time !!  After writing that all came through , the next package was 2 CHERRY PIES  packed in pop corn -----  this time, there was barely a crack in the crust of either pie --- and I was twice as popular that day !!!
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: What was the strangest thing in a "Care package" that you received in Nam ?

21 posts
Det 1  1970.
 Unfortunately, I told my mom in a letter that our drinking water came from rainwater trapped in roof barrels. She went to the local spring water company in our Florida hometown and they donated several jugs of Kissimmee Spring water twice a month. Good idea, but she almost went broke for postage for all that heavy water.
I remember when I got shot, as I was being loaded on Dustoff, one of our compassionate gunners asked if that meant "no more water" ?
Mike  SW10
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Re: What was the strangest thing in a "Care package" that you received in Nam ?

Mike Connelly
1 post
In reply to this post by Mike Dobson
I got a Christmas tree (about 2 ft high) for Christmas of 68. It came with lights and tinsel. We added an M79 with ammo and a M60 with a 100 round belt also added my 45 with holster and knife.
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Re: What was the strangest thing in a "Care package" that you received in Nam ?

Mike Dobson
349 posts
In reply to this post by mikesuldo
Mike, would we do something as insensitive as that ??  hahahahaha   I don't doubt it at all --- I remember that day in living color
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: What was the strangest thing in a "Care package" that you received in Nam ?

kid purington
1202 posts