Ran across this on page 54 of the Nov/Dec 2016 VFW Magazine:

03/22/1971, Aircraft Minor Damage, No Injuries. Assigned 1/22/70.
Crashed on takeoff at Binh Thuy, no casualties 8/13/70
(Don Thompson wrote: About my 3rd day at HAL-3, August 10, 1971 or so, I heard a racket in my room in the barracks, opened the door and saw a helicopter blade sticking out of my barracks building. I ran towards the flight line to find a Sealords aircraft lying on it's side. There were no injuries but the aircraft was trashed. That was 157856 which was apparently rebuilt as my log book shows that I flew it in July 13, 1971.)
Rescued 4 personnel from CH-46 downed by enemy action 11/25/1971. Joe Baugher shows civil registry as N157LC.