Ships Store

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Ships Store

Howard Jacobs ROH
Mike... are the jackets still available? I know you had a couple pictures posted at one time and was wondering if they are available to see again?  I still plan on getting one... need to decide what will be put on the front.

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Re: Ships Store

Mike Dobson
They are still available ----- $60 for Xl and smaller --- 70 for 2xl and larger   ---   Start with your name and rank ................   its goig to take a while to catch up with all the coat orders from the reunion --- my gal is just now getting past the "homecoming" mode and the orders for schools -- a coat takes at least half a day each
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Re: Ships Store

Howard Jacobs ROH
Thanks Mike.... If you have any pictures of an example of what can be put on the front could you post them?  Sorry if I'm a pain.

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Re: Ships Store

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by Howard Jacobs ROH
Mine has name, rank , Det , dates of service . door gunner    ---- some have added Aircrew , combat aircrew or Pilots wings ------ since you aren't "A proud wife of a Seawolf" , I won't mention that one ------- no pics, I haven't figured that part out
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Re: Ships Store

Howard Jacobs ROH
Thanks Mike... this is good enough... I'll have to make a decision and send you my order.
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Re: Ships Store

Howard Jacobs ROH
Hey Mike... is there a form for ordering a jacket or should I just sent the info to your email?

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Re: Ships Store

Mike Dobson
no form as yet but should be on the next wolfgram ------   I also need to do several "merchandise " listing changes           It's gonna take a check to get this going ------- if you want breast writing, ... name , Rank, year dates, maintenance - pilot - gunner ,  Det - Sealords - ,      CAC - A/C - PILOT wings are common also ....   left breast        gonna cost extra if you want to turn it beyond that     send your own form if you are on the border of the next size up, get the next size up --- this is a coat meant to be worn over something