3 posts
I am leaving Enfield CT this Saturday, April 25th, to New Haven , (Meeting Gamewarden Brian Mullen) and heading south, --- Meeting Brian Chase & Dave Frazier in Knoxville, (I-40/I-75 interchange), on Sunday afternoon, 4/26). On Monday, (4/27) meeting Jimmy Sheel and Joe Miele (USAF), in Slidel, LA. On to Houston (4/28) where we add Mark Carroll, (my cousin - USMC) And Dave SPIDER Debarge, (Civilian); We’ll probably proceed on to San Antonio. We'll meet Mike Dobson, Barry Waluda & Art Stoneking in Carlsbad Caverns, NM. Then ride north to Colorado, then West through Utah & Nevada stopping at Fallon, then on to Cottonwood, CA. - Kid Purrington will meet us there. The American Legion Post is named for Seawolf Glenn Wilson, and the Post hosts us for a dinner on Friday, May 8th and the Legion Riders fete us on Saturday May 9. We have a brief Memorial at Igo Veterans Cemetery with Glenn Wilson’s parents and have Mother’s Day Breakfast with Mrs. Wilson.
On Sunday, most of the group will ride south via the Pacific Coast Hwy. Mike Dobson & I will head directly to Ontario, CA, via I-5 after Mother's Day breakfast. We'll meet Dreux Spengler in Ontario and Fred Reina somewhere on the RFTW Route to DC. RFTW departs Ontario on Wednesday morning, May 13th. We Ride Southern Route: Ontario - Phoenix - Las Cruces - Odessa - Dallas - Monroe - Meridian - Chattanooga - Wytheville - Lynchburg - Arlington (D.C.) You can see the RFTW itinerary on the RFTW.org website. On Friday evening, (May 22) some of us visit our friends at the wall late at night, when there are fewer people there. On Saturday, we take first timers on RFTW on to Arlington for a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknown. On Sunday, we do Rolling Thunder. Then ride to Virginia Beach where we're hosted by Wes Weseleskey and Jerry Gandy (Gamewarden). We participate in Virginia Beach's Memorial Day Ceremony and ride on to Little Creek, (Gamewarden Monument) and on Tuesday to Norfolk for a visit to Red Wolves. After Red Wolves, I head North toward home via Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel. US-13) I usually stop in Southern New Jersey and on to CT on Wednesday.
Feel free to visit with us on the way; join RFTW on our mission to D.C. or just say Hi… Anyone want particulars on our where – when – what route; please email me and I’ll send our complete travel plans.