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Seawolves Documentary Update

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Seawolves Documentary Update

Shannon Crutcher Arballo
We would like to take a quick moment to update you on the progress of the documentary. We are excited to share that the trailer is in the final stages of editing and color correcting. None of this would be possible without your personal contribution, a personal interview, words of support and encouragement or through your photos and films you've shared with us. Thank you. We expect the trailer to be complete within 2-weeks. Once the trailer is complete, we plan to share the video with you first before we launch our fundraising campaign to complete the film. We have also created a website for the film and plan to have the site launched soon also.

Please make note that we created a new email account for all communique moving forward. You can continue to reach Jeff by phone760-809-4558 or via email @ Seawolvesdoc@gmail.com

We will be proving updates moving forward as the film progresses in production.

We continue to feel blessed to have been given not only the privilege, but also the great responsibility, to share your story.

Jeff & Shannon Arballo
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Re: Seawolves Documentary Update

Michael La Bella (ROH)
thank you so very much shannon and jeff thank you for trying to immortalize us. God Bless
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: Seawolves Documentary Update

Jim Hayes
yes,,, Thank You for your hard work.... needs to be told...
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Re: Seawolves Documentary Update

Mike Louy
In reply to this post by Shannon Crutcher Arballo
Hello Jeff and Shannon,

I saw your note on the Seawolf forum and wanted to share an important Seawolf story.  On 18 June we buried CDR James Walker at Barrancas National Cemetery aboard Naval Air Station Pensacola.  Jimmy was one of five Seawolf Navy Cross recipients.  

Highlights of the ceremony were: Procession from Harper-Morris Funeral Home with a Patriot Rider escort from the NAS Pensacola main gate to Barrancas.  Bagpiper Michael Vazzana playing while Patriot Guard Pall Bearers carry the casket into the committal shelter.  Words by retired Navy chaplain CDR Ken Griffin.  Navy Honor Guard renders rifle volley salute.  Mr. Scotty Mills plays TAPS. Navy Honor Guard folds Old Glory.  Seawolf Captain Pete Peterson presents the flag to Mrs. Walker. Piper Michael Vazzana plays “Going Home and Amazing Grace”.  Training Air Wing FIVE HT-18 helo flyover salute.

There were many “moving parts” to this ceremony and it came off perfectly.  It was my duty and honor to help plan the event.  Once Jimmy’s grave stone is carved and in place, I will take several pictures of it with several Seawolves there for your use.  

Additionally, WEAR Channel 3 here in Pensacola took extensive videos of the ceremony.  The general manager, Mr. Randy Wood was kind enough to provide the photographer.  I haven’t seen the results, but did sent a note to Mr. Wood asking to get a copy with permission for Seawolf and National Naval Aviation Museum use.  Mr. Wood’s phone number is 850 456-3333.  Perhaps some of that footage might be useful.

Here are some shots I took for your use as you see fit.  Jeff and Shannon, I am sure all Seawolves are anxious to see the results of your diligent labor.

Very best wishes,

Mike Louy
Det. 3&4 ‘67 - ‘68
Pensacola, FL
850 432-3858H


LCDR JR Arthur's Piping flags

Piper Michael Vazzana & Patriot Riders

Procession Begins CDR Walker's Burial Ceremony

Standing By For TAPS

LCDR Arthur's Piping Flags Displayed

Rifle Squad Ready

Navy Honor Guard Folded Old Glory

Flag Exchange

"Mrs. Walker, On Behalf Of A Grateful Nation ..."

Captain Peterson Salutes

Piper Retreats Playing "Going Home"

Navy Honor Guard Retires

Patriot Riders Ring The Assembly

CTW-5 Honor Flight Approaching

Two TH-57 Smart Right Break

Captain Peterson Offering Patriotic Thoughts

Seawolves Honoring Brother CDR Jimmy Walker

Captain Dick Catone Commends Piper & Bugler

"Thank You, Gents"

Captain Peterson & Piper Michael Vazzana