Seawolf Challenge Coins

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Seawolf Challenge Coins

Mike Louy
Hello Everyone,

Have anyone noticed that behind the President on a desk there is a challenge coin rack?  Has the Association sent Trump a coin with an official letter?  Good idea - YES.  Also, same goes for Gary Senese, a person who should definitely be recognized by our Association.  Good idea - damn right.

Any Seawolves coming to Pensacola, drop me a line or give me a call so I can arrange a Goat Lips Deli Liquid Leadership session.  We try to do that every 5 or 6 weeks, usually on a Thursday from 1600 to 1900.  850 432-3858H,

Very best to everyone,

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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Mike Dobson
excellent idea Mike -- I've never seen the display behind President Trump ----- how fitting for both to e on the receiving end ----- seems like a copy of the Resolution and our Doc be included to round out what it means --
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Dan Arnes
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In reply to this post by Mike Louy
Gary SINISE, Hell YES... Draft Dodger Trump, Hell NO! Those ones behind him are probably the Presidential ones he made of himself in Gold (that we paid for), so he can hand them out!
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Sorry to disagree with Mike L, but  in my mind, presentation of a challenge coin denotes a level of approval of the person receiving the coin and the policies of that person.  I also suspect there are Seawolves who do not wish to have this organization be perceived among Trump supporters.

If any Seawolf wants to express his or his family's support, it would be perfectly appropriate to send a letter to the White House expressing that support.

Let's stay out of politics.  
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Sam Feola
I agree with Mike Brinck.
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Dan Arnes
In reply to this post by MIKE BRINCK
I Agree with Mike Brinck Also!
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Gordon Douglas (Doug)
I agree with Dan (both times)
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Mark McGregor
In reply to this post by Mike Louy
They've been there for several administrations, Mike. Bill Clinton was so fond them that his Presidential portrait includes a rack of them in the background. If I remember correctly, his Presidential Library in Little Rock has a replica of the one in the oval office.
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Re: Seawolf Challenge Coins

Mike Brinck
I would not have given Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, and now Trump a challenge coin for the same reason I cited above even if I thought any of them were worthy of recognition by our squadron.  Again, if anyone wants to express their appreciation for the job Trump is doing, by all means, send a letter, email, twitter, text to the White House to to make their position known.  It is NOT appropriate to send something to Trump or any of those mentioned earlier that represents all of us.