Quintuple Bypass Surgery

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Quintuple Bypass Surgery

kid purington
..My wife, Marcia,...will have this heart surgery done monday, feb.17...whole deal came at us rather quickly.
..question ?..(first time for us)..anyone been down this road ?  what is expected ?...thanks ahead, if you are able to help here, ...kid
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

dave johnson
Kid, I hope everthing goes well for your wife.  my prayes are with you
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Pat Samel
In reply to this post by kid purington
We have her in our prayers for a speedy recovery. Hang in there Kid You both are in our thoughts and prayers.
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Howard Jacobs
In reply to this post by kid purington
Wish I could help Kid... thoughts and prayers go out to you both.
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

In reply to this post by kid purington
KID our prayers are with you and your wife
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

In reply to this post by kid purington
Our prayers are with Marcia, you and your family.  When things settle down send me a text with addy so we can send some flowers & a card.  Love you bro.

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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Rick Meussner
In reply to this post by kid purington
Kid & Marcia - I wish for Hope, Luck and Prayers to you both. One positive note is that the Doc's feel that Marcia is healthy enough to be considered for quintuple bypass. I will pray for you.. Rick
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Dan Arnes
In reply to this post by kid purington
Sorry to hear that Kid, have not been down that road, but prayers are with you and Marcia!

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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Paul Albertine
In reply to this post by kid purington
we were there last year about same time...Doctors, hospitals, and Nurse are incredibly professional..it's like they have done it all a million times..recovery takes some time, but I think the 'trick' is getting up as soon as they advise you to start moving around...and when they send here home, start walking, and walking and walking..change your habits, walk away from McD's et al... gotta eat oatmeal, veggies, fruit...  it's hard to change a habit, and the 'good food' don't taste anywhere near as good as the bad food....  but with good doc's, and your help..she's gonna be fine
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Don Jacobs ROH
In reply to this post by kid purington
Kid my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your wife.  Keep the faith brother.
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

In reply to this post by kid purington
Terry, I know Marcia will do just fine.  Tell her Sharon and I send our best, and our prayers are with her and the family.

Jim and Sharon
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

In reply to this post by kid purington
Sorry to hear about your wife. The recovery road will not be easy at first later down the road she should expect to be back to normal.
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by kid purington
Wow, that is sudden !!   Best of all to you both during this time !    
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

bill rutledge
Kid my prayers are with Marcia and you and your family, keep the faith , and follow the advice on recovery,
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by kid purington
Just text the "KiD" ---- Marcia goes under the knife at 1200 hrs Pacific time today ---  ya sudden --- $8 hrs after going to emergency --- in Surgery -- that is fast -----
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Mike Dobson
durn finners --- not $8     48 !!!
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery update

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by kid purington
Marcia is out of surgery -- they ripped veins from both legs --- did 4 bypasses after ripping her chest open and splitting the sternum ------ all wired back up again now ---- lots of gunk in the old arteries ----- they were scheduled for 4-6 hrs ----- these guys musta made a bet somewhere ---  somewhere between 2 and 2 1/2 hrs at the most !!   good prognosis ----       great news !
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Gene sjoberg
In reply to this post by kid purington
  Well I had a quad in 1997 still going.  A fluffy pillow will become her best friend.  You know if you need anything at-all call,Ican be there in less than an hour. Prayers are on the way.. Stubby. PS what hosp. is she in?
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Michael La Bella (ROH)
In reply to this post by kid purington
Our prayers are with you, my father in law had a quad bypass also, went to emergency  8 hours later in the or. He did good after that, it was 1999 and he is 87 and still here ;) one thing keep a watch on her with the blood thinners,  if she starts getting weak after starting to feel better, have them check her blood, we did almost lose him as that happened to him, they gave him a transfusion and lowered the thinners a whole lot,,, 2-3 days later he was runnin round the block,,,, bless you terry and Marcia  you are still in the Kats and my Prayers, and will continue for some time, to make sure all is well
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: Quintuple Bypass Surgery

Lee Hirschel
I had a double bypass in 2006. It was a fast thing also. Had 90% blockage. Recovery was good, but the pillow trick was a big help. Yes ya do need to follow the Dr's orders on life style changes. Eat healthy, get some exercise, cut back on the vices. Everything in moderation. Oh ya support from a great spouse helps much too.
Good to hear surgery went well here is to a speedy recovery.
Lee & Connie Hirschel