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Roger Ek, Seawolf 25
20 posts
At Det 2 the SEALs had two pythons. I have a photo of me with Reptilius Minimus over my shoulders. He was 14 feet long. Reptilius Maximus was 18 feet long and nobody put him on their shoulders. They were all Burmese pythons.

Doc Spence at Binh Thuy had a python named Doctor No. It was 22 feet long and the biggest snake I ever saw. It was longer than the "giant python" just found in Florida. It too is a Burmese python.

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Re: Pythons

Michael La Bella (ROH)
244 posts
I remember doc spens's snake,,, could eat a pig in no time haha
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Re: Pythons

kid purington
1202 posts
In reply to this post by Roger Ek, Seawolf 25
...And too..the SEALs at Bac Lieu (TradeWinds)...had a large python, which we fed rats to, yah know on them boring days, sum'en to do...Once when "poundcake" (det 6 gunner), was a sleep'n I watched it crawl up and onto him...should'ah heard the scream from him when I holler'd "scramble.!!"...didn't yah just enjoy have'n a good time on det....