Prostate cancer and the VA....

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Prostate cancer and the VA....

Howard Jacobs ROH
Well... here's a shocker about the VA... I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June by outside doctor. I met with my rep about another matter and to pass on the info about the cancer in June also. I'm rated 100% perm. total now and I have another issue that's been hanging around on an appeal but not a big issue. At the time I talked to my rep I didn't think we were going to file the cancer issue at this time .... But I guess something was done anyway. I received a call today from a VA hospital advising me that I have a comp and pen exam scheduled for July 27 related to my prostate cancer. WOW!! Talk about fast... I told the man on the phone that I was just diagnosed last month and thought that was pretty quick... he said... yes... 17 days is pretty quick. I'm kind of shocked it was so quick but not complaining. I just hope others are getting things done just as quick.
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Re: Prostate cancer and the VA....

Lee Hicks
I had Prostate cancer 10 years ago but haven't gone to VA about it.
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Re: Prostate cancer and the VA....

Howard Jacobs ROH
Lee.... because of AO.... prostate cancer is an automatic 100% disability.. but some are not perm and total..don't know why but the aren't.  If you aren't considered disabled with the VA and being compensated for it you should look into it.  All med benefits are free... that's what has really helped me out.  
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Re: Prostate cancer and the VA....

steve valentine
In reply to this post by Howard Jacobs ROH

  make sure the va sends their percentage determination to the navy for CRSC determination.adjustment.   Even though you a a 100 % thr va still has to assign a percentage to this for CRSC purposes.  
