Well... here's a shocker about the VA... I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in June by outside doctor. I met with my rep about another matter and to pass on the info about the cancer in June also. I'm rated 100% perm. total now and I have another issue that's been hanging around on an appeal but not a big issue. At the time I talked to my rep I didn't think we were going to file the cancer issue at this time .... But I guess something was done anyway. I received a call today from a VA hospital advising me that I have a comp and pen exam scheduled for July 27 related to my prostate cancer. WOW!! Talk about fast... I told the man on the phone that I was just diagnosed last month and thought that was pretty quick... he said... yes... 17 days is pretty quick. I'm kind of shocked it was so quick but not complaining. I just hope others are getting things done just as quick.