Stumbled on to your great site. I served with PBR section 512 Binh Thuy USS Hunterdon county, and other locations -67, 68. I returned for my 2nd tour with River div. 592 Go Dau Ha, Chau Duc, and other locations -69, 70. This old boat captain can not thank all of the Seawolf crews for getting us out of way too many bad situations. On particular incident stands out. My patrol was trapped in a canal in the Rung Sat Special zone, when two Seawolves arrived. They took multiple hits but would not leave until we were able to get out, and care for our wounded. If I ever find out who those guys were, the beer is on me. Thank you all, and may God bless you.
Welcome to our site Barney ! If you can post the date, it is possible the crew might be out there .... I can speak for the crew that was there though ----- "proud to be of service to ye , Sailor ! "
Mike Dobson (ROH)
In reply to this post by Ray ( Barney) Barnhardt
 Our view of you folks, Barney, "Never Leave"...many was the night scrambles we made, cause you guys always seemed to get into it...."welcome home brother.!!...Glad to hear from you...
In reply to this post by Ray ( Barney) Barnhardt
Hey there Barny, imagine finding another PBR sailor on a Seawolf site.
I have to agree, the sound of those chopper blades were indeed welcome
when we got out gunned/out numbered - which was most of the time.
I went to RivDiv535 in 01/69, as Boat Capt PBR729. was promoted to
Patrol Officer (5DaysEcho), but kept 729 as my flag ship. Things got
nasty at the end (Nov-Dec); I lost two friends/crewmembers, so my
leaving 01/70 was bittersweet.
I blended into the woodwork when I got home and didn't resurface until
2001 when I was diagnoised with asbestosis.
After rebecoming a Vietnam vet, my daughters (didn't know about Vietnam
until then) have encouraged me to write a big screen movie script about
the PBRs.
It has taken me almost the entire last ten years to contact the PBR sailors'
family members of the KIAs in 535, so I would be sure that I had (or they had)
the same info on their loved one's demise. In the meantime, of course, I
made contact with around 20 535 sailors that I served with, that are alive
and well (depending on who's definition of "alive and well" we use.
My movie starts off with a flashback to August 27, 1969, on the CoChien River,
when, after a brief encounter in my night ambush site, I medevaced two of my
crew by Seawolf, in the middle of the river, at midnight.
I would like to contact the pilot who set that bird down on my canopy so we
could hand our wounded up. One, I want to thank him and his crew for that
mid river rescue, and two, I wanted to see if he remembers the boat capt having
a head wound.
I turned down two PHs; far as I was concerned I didn't need medevaced, so I
didn't rate the PH. Now, 40some years later, these "little things" start to become
Only been here one day, so there's a lot of treads for me to go thru.
God bless all the Seawolfs
Butch Jarvinen
...Hello "5DaysEcho"..."Welcome to the Seawolf site.!"...good to hear your story of them days..I flew outa Song Ong Doc and many were the times Seawolves answer'd y'all..."Welcome Home"..then too.. them was these (pic) moments...just for a smile "River Rat"..
Kid , the picture of the beached PBR was on purpose, You know them PBR Sailors would do anything to keep fighting, They must have hit a mine, beached it, repaired the holes and shoved it back in the river to get back in the fight, Crazy wild Warriors,
In reply to this post by Ray ( Barney) Barnhardt
I flew in the Rung Sat from our Det. 2 based in Nha Be most of 68. If you got help from a 50 cal. from a Seawolf in the Rung Sat it could have been me!
In any event and I'm sure I speak for all Seawolves when I say "We were just doing our job" Great to hear from you.
yup heard that a couple times.
Brought that term back with me;
"Just doing my job"
Thanks from all the PBR sailors.
and thanx to all of our pbr guys for all the exciting firefights,,, still feel the "Drenlin" running in the veins,,,
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!