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Occasionally Seawolf Merchandise orders come with special comments

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Occasionally Seawolf Merchandise orders come with special comments

Mike Dobson
over the time that I have had the Store Keeper job, and I'm sure during Mike, Jack, and Terry's terms it has happened too, there have been comments added to the orders , some "just" a great hello and thanks for what we do, some a personal "Howdy Mort" -------  , almost always from members of Seawolves, friends, relatives, or someone that had a connection with us during "The Day" -------- but yesterdays was a bit different and special ====  I'd like to share it with all of you ..........................  

" I am enclosing a personal check for $75 to purchase 2 items with the remaining funds to go to the Additional Education Assistance Fund.
  I recently had the privilege of watching "Scramble the Seawolves" on PBS. I had never heard of them or their story. I was completely impressed and in awe of their heroic and valorous combat in over 120,000 sorties. I know words can never truly express my sincere gratitude to the Navy Seawolves and to the 44 men who paid the ultimate sacrifice. The service and accomplishments of the Seawolves make me proud to be an American and I will wear the hat and T-shirt with honor and humility.
                                                                                        God bless all of you
                                                                                        and God bless America
                                                                                        Cary C____        "

     Gents, if that doesn't make some sand blow in you area, it didn't hit you, like it did me .
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Occasionally Seawolf Merchandise orders come with special comments

Mike Dobson
and just a footnote to make some of the "Lone Star " boys prouder,  this letter came from Bryan, TX
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Occasionally Seawolf Merchandise orders come with special comments

Mike Louy
Hello Mike,

Wow, what a post.  Just by happensatance one of my long time and best Wynnewood (close to you) buddies lives in College Station, TX.  I hope to visit him this summer and when we go out will gladly wear my Seawolf gear, which I usually do anyway.  I also have a very dear female officer friend who worked for me as her first duty assignment in the Navy in VT-2.  She was a brand new ensign.  Turns our she is really "my daughter in the Navy".  She also lifes in College Station.  So I will have two sets of eyes looking for the Bryan guy.  Hope I get to meet him and proudly give him a challeng coin if he didn't already order one.  I'll probably order 10 more soon, my 4th 10 order.  They just don't seem to stick around very long.

Best wishes,

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Re: Occasionally Seawolf Merchandise orders come with special comments

Mike Dobson
I have complete contact info for you Mike ...  
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Occasionally Seawolf Merchandise orders come with special comments

kid purington
In reply to this post by Mike Dobson
 ... Outstanding Mike... thanks for post'n.