Norm Stayton update.

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Norm Stayton update.

Howard Jacobs
I saw this post on facebook morning and thought I would pass it on... one addition to this is that he didn't have to stay in surgery as long as he was supposed to.  It was posted by Cyndi Stayton:

Update on dad: oh, Mylanta! We spoke to dad's neurosurgeon. He is positive he got 80-95% of the tumor. It was very invasive. It was the size of an orange. It was reaching to wrap around his right eye. It was down to his throat. Dr thinks he was able to save dad's vision in that eye. He thinks dad may have problems with language skills, too. There was no sign of stroke & he is hopeful there won't be one. Now there are 4 surgeons in the OR doing skin graphs, bone graphs, reconstruction. Dr said dad will most likely still be in surgery tomorrow at 6am. Mind you, surgery started at 758am today. That's almost 24 hrs! My poor dad & poor mom!

Prayers go out to Norm and his family....
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Re: Norm Stayton update.

dave johnson
Stay with it norm, this is a cake walk comparied to nam' thou we were just a bit younger, sounds like the drs know what they r doing, god bless
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Re: Norm Stayton update.

Craig Jones
In reply to this post by Howard Jacobs
Norm and family, we are praying for you.
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Re: Norm Stayton update.

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by Howard Jacobs
Best wishes Norm, All the SEAWOLVES are pulling for you !  Hang in there Buddy, we want to see you up again soon !  
Mike Dobson (ROH)