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Gene sjoberg
   Just received a "Defender Knife" from NRA.  (Handcrafted in China.) I am sending it back with a NASTY letter. What is wrong with Made in America ? Gene (Stubby.)
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kid purington
..what's a mattah with'ta chy-nees ah kniff'ah...what.?, you no a wanna cut'ah me but-tah, sure can'tah cut'ta off'ah the knot-ah b,-ah jump'ah into ze kniff'ah fight'aah Stubby,

..sin-lou-E..          question.? sharp can-one sharpen a lead blade.....

Hey you know i'm pull'n on the ole leg'ah here...right .............?......ole buddy...."i", do not wish to awake  one nite seeing you in the window with your war paint on...that alone just might cause me to cut off my foot as i swing my "defendah-sword" all about...i hide it in my sock under the chair that i hang my unmentionables's made in Ty-wand and gets pretty flex-a-bull during intruder attacks....whip, snap, thrust..repeat, i are one skilled attack-eeh............!!

Sorry to hear of your NRA knife Gene, shame on whom-ever was put in charge of this operation...Americans make great fact, my knife-making buddies make the greatest knives one can hold...
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Dan Arnes
In reply to this post by Gene sjoberg
I don't know about you Gene, but I also received a piece of crap ball-cap "Made in China" when I joined. They never responded to my letter...I never reinstated my membership...

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Gene sjoberg
In reply to this post by kid purington
   NRA just took a dive into my Banjoe Ditch and I will drop my Membership. I am really not allowed to have sharp objects and I'm really out on a Day Pass.  I have not EEESCAPED as many may believe.      Stubby
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Gene sjoberg
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
  They don't GET IT do they Dan? Bunch of HYPOCRICAL B------s.  Stubby
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Paul Albertine
Strange times, we're spending billions in the Pacific to oppose the Chinese military growth...and American consumers can bring that country to it's knees in one Christmas season....just don't buy their a few bucks extra to buy quality products, built by quality workers, who will provide quality service, hire Vets...Buy American,  hire a vet, restart apprenticeship programs...

Irony, my rant is typed on a Samsung made in Vietnam...  caught in a loop