LIFE Member Seawolf John Robert SETTERS passed away Tue 11/13/18

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LIFE Member Seawolf John Robert SETTERS passed away Tue 11/13/18

Dan Arnes
LIFE Member, Seawolf John Robert SETTERS, AMS2, Gunner, Det 8, 4/11/1971 to 2/28/1972 has passed away last Tuesday, 11/13/18.

I just received an answer to a Facebook message to John's Granddaughter in law, that Yes, he has passed away.

I asked her if she knew anyone who could contact me with information and gave my phone# and email. I then got a call from her husband Devin (John's Grandson) who said that he passed away Tuesday 13th,
not sure about services yet, but he will be cremated and buried at West Tennessee Veteran Cemetery, Forest Hill Irene Rd, Memphis, TN, probably next week because other relatives are still there from out of the area
for his Brother Tony who had also passed away last week.

He said didn't know if arrangements were made yet regarding Mortuary handling the services, etc.

West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery
4000 Forest Hill Irene Rd, Memphis, TN 38125

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Re: LIFE Member Seawolf John Robert SETTERS passed away Tue 11/13/18

Jim Joyce
I flew many a flight with Setts, we were on Det 8 at the same time. He was more than a shipmate and only Wolf pilots and gunners know what that bond and that trust means.

I have a few photos but unfortunately can't figure out how to post them.

RIP Setts, I'll never forget you.
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Re: LIFE Member Seawolf John Robert SETTERS passed away Tue 11/13/18

kid purington
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
                                      ...Rest Easy Seawolf....

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Re: LIFE Member Seawolf John Robert SETTERS passed away Tue 11/13/18

Dan Arnes
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
Michelle Marie Setters Facebook Post 2 hours ago 11/21/18:

Services for John Setters

Friday November 30, 2018 10:15 am

West Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery
4000 Forest Hill Irene Rd
Memphis TN 38125

West Tennessee Veterans Cemetery
4000 Forest Hill Irene Rd, Memphis, TN 38125
Office hours – M-F  8:00am- 4:30pm
Our gates are open 24/7
James E. Lindsey  Director #901-543-7005
(901) 543-2016