Found and confirmed a Seawolf who died on 4/18/2018

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Found and confirmed a Seawolf who died on 4/18/2018

Dan Arnes

**01** Found DAT Seawolf Benjamin Christopher YOUNG, AO3, Maintenance, Binh Thuy, 11/23/1971 to 03/16/1972. “Chris” passed away 4 Jan 2018.
I was pretty sure I’d found him back in January, but never got a call back from family to confirm.
Today, I was updating awards and went back to the FindAGrave site and someone had posted a photo, which confirmed it was him compared to his HA(L)-3 Yearbook photo.

Find A Grave Benjamin "Chris" Young

155 Seawolves left to find
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Re: Found and confirmed a Seawolf who died on 4/18/2018

george t decker
Rest in Peace, Seawolf .
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Re: Found and confirmed a Seawolf who died on 4/18/2018

kid purington
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
                                      ...Rest in Peace Seawolf...