..it's a long story...took my good "Army" buddy to the fish'n lake for a day of drown'n worms...so we land in the park'n lot...get the boat set up for a fabulous day on the water...slowly i back down the boat ramp...trailer enters water..all's going good...trailer goes underwater...boat goes underwater...Never.!! depend on Army...seems he is not up to the job of removing "all" the tie-downs on his side of the boat...incredi-bale..well the boat got washed pretty good on the inside, good thing the drain plug was in so no water could get out...this is a mighty fine way to start off your morning of fish'n...with my expertise, i slowly drag boat up ramp, investigate sit-rep...remove drain plug, enjoy a smoke as water vacates said boat, never said a word in anger, damn proud of myself on that call...payback-payback.!! Once we was a fish'n, i got sunburnt, forgot the sunscream stuff..that's what happens when you live in Oregun...Only because of my intense Navy training did i survive the frack-ing, no doubt this was a test from our "lord"....Well "today" another lake i go forth to and maybe sum'n really fantastic awaits thar for me and my not so good "Army" fish'n pal-z-wel-z.....best to you all...grab yourself sum worms and you too can get wet with "kid"....and you think i got nutt'n to do....