Association LIFE Member and Plank Owner Seawolf Francis (NMN) "Dan" ZUHLKE, ADJ2, Gunner, HC-1 Det 29, 7/1/1966 to 2/17/1967; HA(L)-3 Det 1, 2/17/1967 to 6/4/1967.
Spoke with Sheila and offered condolences. I had met Dan and Sheila at the Dallas Reunion. Dan and I had talked several times on the phone. I was working with an Army "Mustang" Sea Wolf helo Pilot and 3rd CO of the Task Force regarding a Silver Star he had put Dan in for through the Army. It was for his actions when SP4 Louis Turchi, was KIA in Vietnam, Oct 14, 1966. Unfortunately, he still hadn't found the copies of the citation/recommendation, but he was sure it had been approved by the Army. Tortuga CO refused to forward it through Navy channels, so he did it through the Army.
She said she would post Obituary on the forum when services are set up probably Fri/Sat. Dan will be buried in Arlington National Cemetery later.
It was aggressive and fast, Agent Orange related.
Here is an article on him:
