Dan i would like a contact for terry maples,,, i think he was a seawolf, and one i knew,,, i found him on Vimeo he posted 2 wonderful videos in can tho and one other one i would very much like to know if he has any more, believe it or not, i am almost done with my legacy for the Seawolves,,, and i will be putting in the mail the first blue ray to joe crutchers daughter, had to wait for social payday times are tough all over  thank you dan
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
Micheal -- Glad your work is about done. Shannon and Jeff never did recieve the 25 gigs of footage you were going to send them , so they can continue on and finish the documentary for us. If there is any way you can get it to us, right away,we would appreciate it. The offer of covering the expense still is good so let us know what we can do. Thanks to you.
no problem joe, i am hitting the post office tomorrow
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
Michael-- i AM A LITTLE CONFUSED AFTER READING YOUR POSTING AGAIN. Are you intending on sending Shannon a copy of your project or the video footage that other Seawolves sent to you? So that there is no confusion from this point on , at this point it is the video footage we are waiting on , not your project video. Waiting on the guys footage is holding up the Documentary on this end and I thought you already copied it and was sending it to Shannon and Jeff a coup[le of weeks ago. Sorry if I misunderstood , so if there is anyway you can copy and send the footage, we would love to get it as soon as you are able to do it.
We definetly want to get your Seawolf Legacy project , but we really need to get the footage as soon as we can.
Good luck on your project , we are looking forward to seeing it.
Thanks for you help,
Joe Crutcher
Michael-- I am sorry , I did not see your 2nd posting. I did not mean to repeat myself. Thanks again for everything.
If you need anything at all , let us know.
Hope to see you when all this is done or sooner , if possible.
Joe, I lost shannons mailing address,,,, email it to me and they should have it by Tuesday or so,,,
takimno1@charter.net or lordofthesith@gmail. com I had it and it is like most of my life and memories,, gone,,, haha anyway hurry and get it to me
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
never mind i called jeff this morning and had a wonderful long chat,, the blueray is on its way now it is a start
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
In reply to this post by Michael La Bella (ROH)
..Michael, I also have seen a video on u-tube and Terry Maple's name was at the bottom...the link was forwarded to me by a pilot and i be darned if i can do that forward link stuff yet....I truly enjoyed the music and the show...what a surprise to myself when i saw Song on Doc on film the day after it was blown away, still smolder'n...i recall that nite like it was yesterday...Well hope you track down Terry, on the roster Dan sent out i see no phone number for Terry....
link....... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zfOEoj6W1kY
I just typed the link out here so not sure if that will open to it or not....blah-....kid
I don't have Terry's phone# either, just email address.
I want to clear up a misconception here for everyone. The Official Seawolf Association Roster is not mine.
That is maintained by Treasurer Gary Ely and is given to Jack Williamson annually for distribution to Association Members Only.
I do forward all New Member's applications and any member's address changes/corrections when I receive them, but other than that, the Official Association Roster is maintained by Gary Ely.
Some have confused the Association Roster with my Seawolf Master List which is ALL Seawolves regardless of membership, and does not show contact information other than "Last Known City/State".
In reply to this post by Michael La Bella (ROH)
Micheal -- Jeff told me you guys had a very good talk. I guess I didn't tell you enough about the documentary. My mistake for not explaining it well. If I came across wrong, asking about the footage, I apoligize for that. Certainly did not mean to do that. Thank you so much for your help. I just think it is very important for us to finish this soon , so as many Seawolves as possible get to see thier history and
incedible accomplishments on film. We Seawolves are not getting any younger and I will be so thankful when it is done and all Seawolves are Honored and remembered through this documentary.
Thanks again Micheal , for everything. I seriously would like to see your project when you complete it.
Take care!
Your Seawolf Brother,
...Dan, this is me on a slightly confused day...
..Wood knot know Stubby..?.. Aye don't do that "hump-day" stuff,, annnny-mur...hurts my eyes...just say'n,, hah.
I just found this site and saw Terry Maples name. I was an aircrewman with HC-1 Det 3 on the Constellation in 1971-1972. If it is the same Terry Maples, he checked into our Det during our cruise. He was a good guy but I didn't get to know him. I hate to say this but I was totally clueless about what Hal-3 did in Viet Nam. Sorry I don't know anything more about Terry.