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Dallas Reunion Memory Book

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Dallas Reunion Memory Book

Gary & Barb Ely
Please help...I am needing pictures of the George Bush Library and Southfork.  If you went on these tours and took pictures...would you please email them to me.  I'm working on the Reunion Memory Book and I like to make a collage page of pictures for each tour.  I won't be able to do this for these tours if I don't get more pictures.  Thank you to all who have already sent me pictures of the other tours.  Please email to gleseawolfdet9@cox.net

Thanks in Advance,
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Re: Dallas Reunion Memory Book

Dan Arnes
I sent you 36 photos that my wife Toni took, in case there are some you can use. Had to attach with "Dropbox" so I hope they came through.

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Re: Dallas Reunion Memory Book

Walt Frazier
In reply to this post by Gary & Barb Ely
I used elysof address to send pictures, is it still in use? Thats what i have in my contact list.