Black Sea Cruise

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Black Sea Cruise

Paul Albertine
US sending 2 aircraft carriers and all their support into the Black Sea, just in case for Sochi Olympics.  Has anyone made a cruise through Istanbul and into the Black Sea?  What's it like?
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Re: Black Sea Cruise

Howard Jacobs
The four years I was in the Navy I never set foot on a ship... so my guess it would be wet...LOL..  Sorry Paul... couldn't resist.  Hope all is well my Brother.
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Re: Black Sea Cruise

Walt Frazier
In reply to this post by Paul Albertine
Numerous times to Istanbul, but never past it. Most memorable was in 61 or 62 when the students rioted and injured many of our crew, but the special police got even with the communist students for us, the plaza by the waterfront mosque was running red with blood when the police got finished with them.
Walt Frazier
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Re: Black Sea Cruise

In reply to this post by Paul Albertine
made one back in 70 alert 5 was 10 minutes behind the bears  other than that the water was cold