..Spoke with Bear's wife this morning,,seems Bear had a set-back,,high fever,,low blood count,,suppose to be starting chemo tomorrow.
And true you guys are,,i went to town with Grumpy more than once,,borrowed a jeep from sum unhappy Army guys and went to visit Grump's girlfriend..etc:...if i recall right i ended up in the brig,,while the Grump was doing who knows what with his lady ....i look back on it and laugh sum..ran interference for him more than once..on them "dark and stormy days & nites....But i bet Bill has sum stories of them times also....hahah...and too i recall the story of Bear becoming Grumpy...i named "crowned" him with "Grumpy" when i first met him at Phu-Loi..said he was called Bear,,he was in a grumpy mood..so i says "you are the grumpest bear i ever met!" so I just tagged him with Grumpy...than told him if he was to fly with me he was gonna become a "free-gunner"...we had sum grand times we did....sooo i'm pray'n for my friend these days..!!
I remember Bear from Det 2. No nonsense guy who got the job done. Prayers out from the back woods in Maine. I know people who have beaten this, including my Dad who lived to be 84.
Just got off the phone with Bear at Whidbey, was pretty groggy and out of it from Chemo, but said he was doing good. Talked to Dusty who was there also, said Bear was doing a lot better than before, but the chemo had him pretty groggy and he fell asleep while Dusty & I were talking.
Dusty said the other Seawolf in the room, Dave Holzer went home, doing good. Tried calling him at home, left a message.
Harms way on liberty with Bear is an understatment, as he would yell CLOSE THE WINDOWS AND DOORS I AM GOING TO FILL THIS PLACE WITH LEFT HOOKS, oh crap not again,
 "Back at yah Bear."
...Just received a phone call from the Bear himself....he informs me that he's feeling good and is going to beat this cancer...also talk of his situation...on chemo treatments...shooting to get back home Nov. 25th...by this he means feeling strong enuf to get up and take care of his shit...it was so good to hear from him...talked at lease 6-7 min's before he shut up....i'm just pleased as a calm at high tide....kid...
PS...stubby i attempted call'n you before i posted..no answer...hope you are good.. me
....Spoke with the Bear Sunday...he was sounding good..kinda tired of staring at the hospital walls...said he starts a new round of chemo treatment today..and possible that he will go home shortly...also, he got the shingles on top of everything...told me he's getting over them and glad to be rid of them.....geeeze...prayer said.!!
Bear has passed. Sunday night. God Rest.
I worked with Bear at AIMD Cubi back in the early 90's. Can you please let me know if / when there may be any services.
Bear was a really great guy, and one of the biggest supporters of his troops that I ever had the pleasure to know. He was one of a kind, and will certainly be missed by all who knew him.
Thanks, and if you can pass to Ivy that she will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Guy Bralley
AIMD Cubi, 89-92
Once in a Bar in Nha Be, Someone messed with the Bear and he jumped on a table and yelled , Close the doors and window and duck , I AM GOING TO FILL THIS PLACE FULL OF LEFT HOOKS,
..Guy Bralley..
I hope to learn of Barry's service and post on forum..Or possible Dusty Rhodes will.
Address: 1826 Nw 2nd Ave.
Oak Harbor, WA 98277
I was stationed with Bear in NAF Autsugi from 96-99. As a Army Crewchief and Door Gunner from TF160 Nightstalkers, bear made we feel very welcomed as a Army man on a Navy base!
I was a side boy at his retirement quite an honor Army Dress Uniform Full size Medals I stuck out like a sore thumb quite an honor as we both supported the Seals decades apart!
Bear was a hell of a guy, threw great parties and moved mountains!!!!
Sorry to hear of his death!
RIP Freind!
Thanks for share'n Mark.. He was my good friend.. we two gunned together many the day/nights".. and a lot of other immoral stuff... "ain't a day goes by Brother"