Here is the 9 page list of the 238 Seawolves I am still looking for. (You can right click and print it)
Names with the Blue XXX's in Association Column are Members we have lost contact with.
Names in Red are possible DAT's but unable to confirm.
If you have contact with anyone on the list, or you are one of those on the list, please contact me at:
Dan... I didn't see Tokumoto on the list... Sealords. Is that because you have a last known address? I believe he was in Hawaii.
Back in 2011, I found his "Auntie Alice" in Hawaii and she told me he used to live in Hawaii, but moved back to the mainland.
She confirmed that I had a correct address for him in Huntington Beach, CA and she gave Clyde my name and contact info as he has an unlisted number. He emailed me later and also confirmed his address.
Check your inbox.
Charlie Taylor was from Bakersfield, CA and once told me his sister babysat for Buck Owens kids. Don't know if this is of any help?........ Dan Higgins
hey speaking of missing Seawolves, did anybody ever find Me?? i think last i was heard from was when i went to La La Land,,, brain went one way and i did the other way, kind of a parting of the ways,, now i have that damn disease of CRS. i hear there is no cure, only gets worse,, what was my purpose and subject this is suppose to boil down to? damned if i even know what im talking about.. love you guys :)
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
Thanks Dan! Every bit of info helps! I've found them on less info than that, even if he's moved!
..I quickly looked thru list.....
..Rick Bogle..went thru train'n together...Tom Jackson has spoke with him sum time bak...Tom may still have rick's number...
..Steve Miller, AE3..gunner det 6...i talked with him many years bak..(phone)...he did not want to recall the Nam...we never talked again...
..Bob Flynn..pilot det 6...seen him last in Lakehurst..71-72..he check'd me in there...I will ask other pilots if they have info..about,.. "flamboyant"...
..Hoffman P. LCDR..Also ran into him at Lakehurst....No idea about him at present...
...Tipton...Seen him many times, early 90's... stay'd at his house & more...has since dissappear'd from planet earth....
....And again Dan..."Thanks.!".......kid
Thanks Kid,
Do you recall what state Steve Miller was in at the time?
Last knew of Harvey Jansen VA-95 NAS Whidbey
..Utah..Dan...he was/is of the Mormon folks....two of them came out to det and shortly after, Steve left, bak to Binh Thuy....he was a good gunner, yet going against their/his beliefs weight'd upon him....a gunner could not hesitate on pulling the trigger...so he did right for rest of us.....
This post was updated on .
Gene, that's where I dead-ended also, last location in 2000, in Mt. Vernon, WA for Harvey Jansen related to Maureen Jansen (Daughter), but couldn't find a good number for him. Will give him a try in Ancestry.
Found that his wife Pat Olive Jansen passed away March 12, 2013, at Ashley Gardens, in Mount Vernon.
Odd that you mention that Kid!
I found a Steve Miller here in Ogden, Utah, called s/w wife said he was never in Vietnam. Got a call back from him later saying he isn't the one I'm looking for...hmmm
I arrived in country with Stephen Miller, and left country with him. We sat next to each other on the return flight. His father was a senior officer in the Air Force. He picked him up. He didn't talk much but he was straight as an arrow, and no doubt did his time as agreed to. He was friends with a guy named Terry something, believe Terry was an AMSAN. .large fellow with red hair....
That's all I remember...unfortunately he doesn't want to be found... some want their privacy
An unusual commodity these days
way before my time Dan...
Dan, YN3 Brian Bell told me he was from the D.C. area and was planning to return there. YN3 Daniel Long was from New Orleans.
Dan - Have you had any contact with Phil Dobson (LT, Det 3)? I haven't had any contact since leaving VN but his plan was to get out and be a dealer in Vegas. Not sure if he was serious, but he talked enough about it that I figured that's where he'd end up. I see you have him possibly located in Kingsville, TX. Was that from his follow on orders after Ha(L)-3? Old information but possibly relevant.
Thanks Pat,
I did track Brian Bell down to several places in MD, so that makes sense. Will look more towards DC.
I tracked Dan Long from Louisiana to Mobile, Alabama, left a message, no call back. Will look into that again.
Thanks Dan, nope, haven't found him yet.
I did find an address in North Las Vegas a long time ago, so he may have been serious about it, but the numbers had all been disconnected.
He did have orders to NAS Kingsville, TX after HA(L)-3 and everything is leading back to TX now but no good numbers. May have gone strictly cell phone. I show him married to a gal in TX, and found a daughter, but the number just keeps ringing, no answer machine.