Tom Phillips gave that explanation and I believe used the same photo this last January 9. This critical manuever did not go well as the pilot attempted lift off from one of those river platforms. Tom Phillips was always successful on his ascensions.
Excuse any improper language, this is Jayna talking. Tom...maybe the guys in the back should have jumped...
Thanks for posting, Mr. Purington. I am prouder of the Seawolves everyday.
Thank you Jayna (JZ)..found posted on the facebook with no explanation on the pic..thought it might have sum-thing to do with , didn't make it of the T...And I guess I missed Tom's post
Pardon for the confusion...Mr. Phillips didn't post...I had the opportunity to hear him speak at the school honoring the Seawolves. This was more complete than any college course on Vietnam and the brave men who served. I learned a great deal and the bits Zach shared vaguely in the past now fit better into place. I couldn't be prouder of all of you.