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alan d lee
oh crap..... now it has me as registered. anyone  have an anchor to use on this computer?? I think it's going down for the last time.  time for a new one. got keys that don't work , generally a wreck, just like me.... getting old.
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Re: nuts

Mike Dobson
Too bad you aren't a 100 ton Skipper Alan, I had a radio on the boat go fritz ---- so I faked being fed up with it & pulled the mic and power cord ------ tossed it out the door into the sea as we moved down the inside passage --------  the passengers face was priceless ------   15 minutes later he came back to the pilot hpuse & I was talking on a new one ------  " ya got me !!   We are gonna have a good time ! "    I just grinned at him and said "What?"
Mike Dobson (ROH)