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local Seawolf

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local Seawolf

Lee Hirschel
Today went to  Chataqua in Cheweala a smaller town about 45 minutes from Spokane. Had my Sealwolf hat on and stopped by a vendor's booth that was wearing a Vietnam shirt and shook his hand. First thing he said was Seawold huh, do you know Bob Eggleston? I told him I was aware of him and that he lived in another small town near by. This guy has spend a few nights drinking beer and hearing stories of the Sealwolves from Bob down at the VFW. He was pretty impressed with our story. I told him all about Scramble the Seawolves. Seemed Okay guy for a Marine! lol
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Re: local Seawolf

   Known Bob and brother Bruce since second grade 1944  
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Re: local Seawolf

Lee Hirschel
There are three Robert Egglestons listed in the Seawolf Master list, which one do you know?  When I first found out about the association and saw there was a Seawold in Newport WA, close to me, I talked to Bob on the phone. It came up about where I worked and he asked if I knew so and so. I replied that I did indeed, he proceeed to tell me he used to date that persons mother back in the day when they lived in Newport. Have never met Bob, just talked a couple times on the phone. Not sure why he never makes any of the reunions.
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Re: local Seawolf

Dan Arnes
Unfortunately Bob has medical issues Lee. He wasn't even able to make the Portland, OR Reunion. Bob was also with Whidbey Island SAR '60-'63 (long before me!).
His Son Robert (AO1) was on the USS JFK the same time I was during Desert Storm before I retired.

One of the three Eggleston's (Robert A.), is actually an Army WO1 helo pilot; an original Army Sea Wolf with A/501st Firebirds on the USS Floyd County (LST-762).