flight helmets

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flight helmets

Richard King

Mrs King (the Chief) has me cleaning out the attic.

I found an antique Vibrex 97 Chadwick Helmuth track and balance kit. For you real old guys who used tracking flags, the Vibrex was first generation balance equipment first used in the early to mid seventies. Found a home for that item with a young mechanic friend.

I have three SPH-3 helmets, not in real good shape. I was thinking that maybe these helmets should be on a Seawolf display helicopter, San Diego or Charleston. Or maybe that museum at Murritea CA.

Can anyone advise me on who might need these old helmets?
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Re: flight helmets

   According to Ruteye, a helmet with the dark visor down works better than a bag over her head
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Re: flight helmets

Richard King
hey Stubby, ask him where he plugged in the ICS cord. LOL
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Re: flight helmets

Bill Rutledge
Richard, i you would send 2 of them to me , i will get them fixed up and put one in the Seawolf helo in Murietta and one on the Midway ,
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Re: flight helmets

ted gorczyca
In reply to this post by Richard King
The Navy SEAL Museum in Fort Pierce Fl is putting up a display for the Seawolves. The helmet would be nice in the display.
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Re: flight helmets

ted gorczyca
In reply to this post by Richard King
The National Navy SEAL Museum & Memorial would be very interested in a helmet or any other equipment you may have. This year they will be redoing their Viet Nam area and want to have a very good display of the Seawolves. The display they have is some pics, letter from Congress, Hal-3 unit awards. They plan on enlarging the display.
The curator is in need of any HAL-3 equipment her name is:

Ruth McSween
email: Ruth@NavySEALmuseum.org
phone 772-595-5845