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Gene sjoberg
   Good wx =good time. The boat was limited with Ling Cod and assorted Bottom Fish.  What Stays in/on the water,Happened on the Water for sure.  Go figuure.
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Re: fisshhen

Mike Dobson
Gene, BS !!  I wanna know what the "Kid" did this time !!!  hahahahahaaa  
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: fisshhen

Gene sjoberg
  The Kid did good, the Shore Patrol was not the least bit rude and was in every way courtious.. I think we really had fun.  Had fresh broiled Ling Cod for dinner last night.  Mike glad you are so concerned about us.  HaHaHaaaa.  Otta get some more Oregon Wolves to join in the ocean going Festivities.Stubby.
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Re: fisshhen

kid purington
In reply to this post by Gene sjoberg was a Dark and stormy nite that day upon the sea...we 3 stood gallen-tree as the salty salt vapours blew constant into each man's eyeballs...Gene, in his vast Naval knowledge, "thank god" ..pointed to the starbard side,where it was dry as a dried-up crab-leg on the back-porch, it be....once more the salty-salt crap blew upon we gallen-3...and a lotta other really neat stuff inebriated thru-out our fish'n course,.."right so, Lawn" unknown, but delightful man of character in me story here....Gene, and fish'n, is much like fish'n with Lawn also....gooo fig-your was missed, but talked

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Re: fisshhen

Gene sjoberg
   Kid, well Arrticulated and hit the gisst of the adventure right on the head.