fish'n wit good ole Gene.

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fish'n wit good ole Gene.

kid purington
just hook-on this bait
fish..and toss ur
out...okie doke ,.."omg
Chiefff" outta
see his bait pale..                          
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Re: fish'n wit good ole Gene.

If you are going fishing with Stubby please be careful.  If he says no worry about bait I have plenty "be ware".  You can never be sure what the bait is.  If he starts to tell you a story about his "adventure with the lady Canadian" keep him focused or you may run aground:)  You guys have fun and be safe.

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Re: fish'n wit good ole Gene.

Gene sjoberg
   Bearrr,You can join us for the day as our Apprentis Baiter,by daze end You will be promoted to guess what? You will be a certified MASTER..  As far as certain Canadian Ladies are concerned I swear I have never been near a Canadian Lady.  Now Canadian Women,thats a different story. Love u BRO..