Okay, the list is as complete as far as I can tell, using Dan’s info, findagrave.com, gravelocator.cem.va.gov, coffeltdatabase.org, and google.com. I can't get the table formatted in these blog spaces, so if you you are interested in placing a wreath (or wreaths), use Dan's links, above, or email me, and I'll send the list to you sorted by state and community where the KIAs are buried. There are three that we couldn't locate burial info on. You can access wreathsacrossamerica.org to see if a cemetery participates in the ceremony. If it does, my experience at Fort Rosecrans and Miramar national cemeteries has been that you just show up and collect the number of wreaths you want to place. If the cemetery near you doesn’t participate, you can attempt to have it added to the list of participating cemeteries, although at this late date, I doubt that you can make it happen this year. Another option for non-participating cemeteries might be to ask local veterans’ organizations to subsidize the cost of wreaths. I’m not sure how long the wreaths are left on the graves at participating cemeteries, but you should probably check with a non-participating cemetery to make sure they aren’t clearing memorials shortly after you place your wreath(s). Perhaps some publicity from local news media might “encourage” the cemetery administration to leave the wreath(s) on the grave(s) a bit longer than normal. I apologize for the short notice on this, but if you want to do some long-range planning, here are the published future dates: 2017 - Sat Dec 16th (3rd Sat); 2018 - Sat Dec 15th (3rd Sat); 2019 - Sat Dec 14th (2nd Sat); and 2020 - Sat Dec 12th (2nd Sat).