Viet Nam Remembered

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Viet Nam Remembered

Hello my brothers.  Hope all is well all of you.
I have watched a program "VietNam Remembered" on Youtube.  This is not Seawolf directly related but is completely related to ALL us veterans. I still have a bitterness against the Politics, News, and protestors of the time.
This is the most emotional program I've seen for sometime. Had many tears in my eyes for all the Nam Vets.
Just search for the title on YouTube.
My health is beginning to fail but I'm still fighting. Wish everyone the very best and stay healthy!

Jim Olson   ATN2
Binh Thuy   69-70
Jim Olson
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Re: Viet Nam Remembered

Clear skys to all our lost brothers!

RIP and Fair Skys
Jim Olson