VA Military Assistance for a DET-8 Gunner

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VA Military Assistance for a DET-8 Gunner

I am trying to get in touch with anyone that served with me on DET-8 from 70-72. On 2 separate missions during the night I was blown out of the helicopter onto the gun turret hurting my back. My ICS cord had come unplugged both times so once I pulled myself back into the helicopter, the Pilots were going through a checklist.
I informed them on one of the missions that I had jettisoned the left rocket pod.  Mr. T was my lead Pilot during my time on DET-8. I don't remember who the Door Gunner was so if anyone was with me during this time and could write a letter pertaining to me hurting my back during these missions I would appreciate it.

I can be reached by email:  or

Cell Phone: 858-922-2093

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Re: VA Military Assistance for a DET-8 Gunner

In case you’re wondering who I am, I’m the one with the peace signs in picture 49 in the HA(L)-3 Cruise Book 1971, lower right photo: “If you get an outfit you can be a Seawolf too”
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Re: VA Military Assistance for a DET-8 Gunner

You may already know this, but I have recently learned that the Seawolves have a facebook page. I don't trust or use facebook. You may try there to get the word out. Best of Luck.