I would prefer not to send this out to everyone by email, so here is an Email I received from Seawolf Phillip Sheckler
"Since as the membership director you have all contacts with the Seawolf organization (
http://seawolf.org/index.asp) officers and its members and you are the only [one] that I am [in] contact with.
Where I live I try to help Post 9-11 and Vietnam Vets out and clearly understand that the VA is very problematic in helping with service related problems.
Most of us Veterans (especially Vietnam Veterans) have no clue how to deal with VA and just give up on claim or in many instances or how to file a claim.
I was one of those Vets, then I got in contact with Peter Cameron and things changed for the better. I recommend Peter to all the Vets that I come in contact with and would like you to help spread the word about him.
He is really that good, and please feel [free] to contact him about his practice and other questions you may have for him. Also I do not know that the VA pays for his services when successful and he represent Veterans no matter where they live..
I personally have used him and he comes with 5 star ratings and he is ex-navy. Below is information so if possible you could get his contact information out to the Seawolves need[ing] help with the VA or having any questions about VA claims, he knows how to successfully deal with the VA no matter what state or city they live.
I personally recommend him and [to] go to his website (
https://veteranappeal.com/attorney/) to see that many others also speak very highly of him.
Also I have no business affiliation with him and [am] just recommending him to see if [he] could help others.

Phillip Sheckler