Two more Seawolves Passed away this month

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Two more Seawolves Passed away this month

Dan Arnes
(Past Member), Seawolf Frederick Robert BARTLETT, Sr, CDR, Det 6, 4/11/1968 to 1/1/1969. Retired as CAPT, passed away March 2, 2020. CDR Bartlett was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat V during his tour.
CAPT Bartlett's Obituary

(LIFE Member) Seawolf Kenneth V. TRAMADEO, AK3, Material Control, Binh Thuy, 11/6/1969 to 9/30/1970. Kenneth passed away March 7, 2020.
Ken Tramadeo's Obituary

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Re: Two more Seawolves Passed away this month

kid purington
                                         ...Rest in Peace Seawolves...