"Triumphant Warrior" book by Peter Shay

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"Triumphant Warrior" book by Peter Shay

Al Mears
This is my review for Amazon.com on the new book:

"Triumphant Warrior" is the best book about the Navy's SEAWOLVES that I've read.  It's a great read for many reasons: it's articulate, logical, comprehensive, and depicts what it was like to have to stand up a squadron inside Vietnam with precious little upper echelon support and forethought.  

It's also a great read for what it doesn't have: guys drinking, getting drunk and trying to get laid, smoking at any and all times, ethnic slurs, and the false bravado of what a bad-ass warrior one was.  The author is well connected in Navy circles and did his homework on the book.  It is very well researched and balanced in explaining the lack of planning in starting and supporting the squadron, explaining the tensions that arose between personalities, and depicting the combat environment inherent in operating Huey gunships and slicks in the hostile IV Corp area of Vietnam's environment.  

It was my honor to serve with HA(L)-3's Detachment 1 after the events in the book and know from that experience that this book rings true.  Any person hoping to rise to command in a unit that may go in harm's way should read the book and be warned about what could go wrong and the types of personalities with whom you will serve.  Buy the book, share it, and imagine what it was like to be there.
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Re: "Triumphant Warrior" book by Peter Shay

Sorry, I just have a little problem with the Sub-Title. "The legend of the Navy's most Daring Helicopter Pilot".
Who voted on that ??
I believe we had other very heroic and Decorated Pilots there - other Navy Cross winners.

But that's just me

Mike  Seawolf 10