Torrance Ca. Armed Forces Celebration

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Torrance Ca. Armed Forces Celebration

Joe Crutcher
I just want to let everyone know that I was contacted by the Torrance Ca. chamber of congress and we were invited to be a part of their annual Armed Forces celebration on May 18th in Torrance. They want us to be the starter for their 5k race and  be in their parade that day and then later that night they are having a Banquet and they have a table for 8 Seawolves. I am Honored they invited us. There are 3 community Seawolves from there that will be attending and there is room for at least 4 more. The City would like the names of everyone tomorrow so if you think you would like to attend , just email me or call and I will fill the slots as I hear back.  The key will be to respond ASAP. oh, they would like us there on Saturday the 18th of May before  7:30 am and the day will end after the Banquet. I do not know who wants to go ( I wished there was room for all the Seawolves ) and I will get the names to the city. I will call back with more details to those that end up going. my email is or phone cell 858-524-9917.Thank you all.
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Re: Torrance Ca. Armed Forces Celebration

Alan Wilson
I'll go with you. Sounds like a good day.

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Re: Torrance Ca. Armed Forces Celebration

Joe Crutcher
Ok Al. It sounds like a long day but should be a great day. I am very proud to represent our Seawolves.