Tony Huntley called 6/19

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Tony Huntley called 6/19

Mke Dobson   "Ten Bears"
Tony sounds good, but relayed to me that he is currently dealing with PROSTRATE CANCER. He has the seeds inserted but seems to be having other problems on the rise. He is undergoing further evaluation in the next few days . He is upbeat and says he has had a full 70 years if it goes south now. Ton's wife Jane is doing great and sends a hello also .  Keep Tony in your thoughts -
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Re: Tony Huntley called 6/19

Rick Hodge (ROH)
get well soon Tony my thoughts and prayers go out for you and your family for a full recovery and many more happy years
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Re: Tony Huntley called 6/19

kid purington
In reply to this post by Mke Dobson "Ten Bears"
...That falls under VA Agent Orange agenda...File a claim if you have not done so...Best to you Tony...

..Mike pass along to Tony, just a heads up...
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Re: Tony Huntley called 6/19

Howard Jacobs ROH
In reply to this post by Mke Dobson "Ten Bears"
Best of luck Tony and Prayers are going out for a full recovery.  
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Re: Tony Huntley called 6/19

   Tony,you and family are in my prayers for a speedy recovery.
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Re: Tony Huntley called 6/19

Tony, A speedy recovery to you mate. Hope to see ya kicking butt real soon again. Prayers for ya!
Lee & Connie