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To Jack Cassidy

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To Jack Cassidy

WRNS Officer
"Hello Seawolves Community. I am a former Women's Royal Naval Officer who knew a Seawolf called Lieutenant Jack Cassidy, back in 1971/72 in England, at Royal Naval Air Station Culdrose. At the time, I am embarrassed to say, I knew nothing about the raging Vietnam war or the extraordinary heroism of U.S. forces; he was ..... a guy . In 1974 I married a U.S. Naval Officer and settled in United States, and I learned a lot more about Vietnam. I always wondered if Jack had made it home safe and sound. I even checked out the Vietnam Wall and his name wasn't there. Is the Jack Cassidy who is listed on this website the same Jack Cassidy I talk about? If it is, I'm so glad to finally know you did get to live a full life. Christine" Lt Jack Cassidy
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Re: To Jack Cassidy

Dan Arnes
He is the same person you mention.
LTJG John Alexander Cassidy Jr., Nickname "Jack", served with the HA(L)-3 Seawolves in Vietnam from 1/10/1971 to 1/5/1972, with Det 3 and transferred to 829 SQUADRON RNAS PORTLAND ENGLAND. He did make it home and was a Member of the Seawolf Association until 2009.

"Jack" also received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his tour with HA(L)-3 along with other awards. His last known Rank was CAPT & CO of USS Essex LHD-2 in 1995.

Dan Arnes ADJ3,
HA(L)-3 '70-'72 Maintenance
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Re: To Jack Cassidy

WRNS Officer
Thank you very much for your reply.  That was kind of you to let me know.
All good.