Special all SEAWOLF Honor Flight San Diego... 50 Seats left...

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Special all SEAWOLF Honor Flight San Diego... 50 Seats left...

Shannon Arballo

Hi there!  
Jeff and I hope this note find you hopeful!
We wanted to make sure that EVERY SEAWOLF is aware of this exciting opportunity!!  
We have a special Seawolf Daughter, Mel Taitano, that proudly works on the board for Honor Flight San Diego. She and her Husband, Carlos, have servant hearts and proudly serve the Veteran Community, in honor of her late Dad, Seawolf Anthony "Rosie" Rosario. Knowing that there would come a time that HFSD would transition from honoring WWII Veterans to honoring our Vietnam Era Veterans, a few years ago she began spear-heading a "mission" of her own and that was to have their very first Honor Flight for Vietnam Veterans dedicated to the Seawolves, meaning it would be an ALL Seawolf Flight!  WOW!!  

Jeff and I were blessed to spend time with Mel, Carlos and many very Seawolves aboard the Flight Deck of the USS Midway this past Sunday for Meet an Aviator event in honor of Memorial Day and were filled in on some details we wanted to be sure to share.

First, COVID Vaccine is no longer a requirement to participate.  

The Honor Flight Departs San Diego on Friday, Sep 30th and returns to San Diego on Oct 2.
This is an ALL-EXPENSE PAID HONOR FLIGHT (flight, meals, lodging). Additionally, HFSD, has generously shared that they will ALSO cover the hotel for the evening of SEP 29th, the evening before departure, for those that are arriving from out of town.  

If you have any health issues (wheelchair bound, oxygen, etc) and/or need accommodations and this is holding you back from registering, please do not let that stop you from attending, or at the very least, please reach out to discuss your concern and we will connect with you the right people.  

For those of you who are hoping to travel direct to DC.  Please know that the Honor Fight, beginning at the Airport the day of the Departure in San Diego to the Homecoming on Oct 2nd is an entire experience with many special moments to be shared.  

Now... we were at Circle T Ranch in 2014 at the Dallas Reunion and it was as magical and emotional and patriotic as it has been described by your Seawolf Brothers in Scramble the Seawolves.  If you were there, then you know. I would say that this too will be one of those indescribable experiences and for there to be an opportunity to share this very emotional experience, not with strangers but your Seawolf Brothers, is really special.

Yes, you will need to make your way to San Diego, but again the hotel is covered on the night of the 29th.   They are really trying to do as much as they can to get as many Seawolves to participate, so hopefully the covered room helps.

To register please visit www.honorflightsandiego.org  
Click on Veteran Registration.
Additional details and logistics will be provided by the "powers that be", but again, the first step is to complete your application.  

Please be sure to share this information with ANY AND ALL SEAWOLVES that you know do not venture on to Facebook or the Form or maybe even dont get the Wolfgram.  

We are praying for a special blessing of good health, joyful spirits and hope to each of you... our Seawolf Family!!  HUGS!!!

Take care!  
Shannon Arballo