Son of Lost Seawolf found us!

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Son of Lost Seawolf found us!

Dan Arnes

**1** Spoke with prior USMC son of Seawolf Andrew F. PRZENKOP, AT1, Maintenance Aircrew, Binh Thuy, 11/13/1971 to 3/16/1972. His son had contacted Mike Dobson from the website info and Mike passed me his number. Called son and he gave me his dad's number. Called and spoke with Andrew, turns out I had found his correct address, but his phone# was no longer valid. He had gone to a cell#. He retired as AT1, living in Newark, OH.

~~~447 Seawolves still to be found, including 36 Plank Owners and Original Army Sea Wolves.

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Re: Son of Lost Seawolf found us!

kid purington
..welcome back to the pac,..Andrew....thanks Marine (once a jar-head,..always)..thanks Dan for post.

..question.?..any further info concern'n,.. Homer Estas Tipton    
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Re: Son of Lost Seawolf found us!

Dan Arnes
On 3/4/12 I found and contacted Homer E. Tipton's son Cody Tipton in Ridgway, IL.
He responded:
"That is my father, I'm very proud to say.  However, I regret to inform you that since 2001 he has been very mentally ill, and has since moved away.  Last I knew he was in Corpus Christi, TX at his sister's - on his way to Mexico.  I have no idea what his current location or contact information are, however I will send word out that you have been looking for him.  

I have never heard anything back, but you've prompted me to check back with Cody (soon).
