Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

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Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

Paul Albertine
found this will doing my taxes this morning, it was posted on the SS site, since it's pretty recent don't know if anyone has viewed...

Social Security Announces New Expedited Disability Process for Veterans

February 19, 2014
Carolyn W. Colvin, Acting Commissioner of Social Security, along with Congressman John Sarbanes (D-MD) today unveiled a new initiative to expedite disability claims by veterans with a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation rating of 100% Permanent & Total (P&T).  Under the new process, Social Security will treat these veterans’ applications as high priority and issue expedited decisions, similar to the way the agency currently handles disability claims from Wounded Warriors.

“Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and it is only right that we ensure they have timely access to the disability benefits they may be eligible for and deserve,” said Acting Commissioner Colvin.  “Social Security worked with Veterans Affairs to identify those veterans with disabilities who have a high probability of also meeting our definition of disability.  I am proud of our collaboration and happy to announce this new service for America’s vets.”

In order to receive the expedited service, veterans must tell Social Security they have a VA disability compensation rating of 100% P&T and show proof of their disability rating with their VA Notification Letter.

The VA rating only expedites Social Security disability claims processing and does not guarantee an approval for Social Security disability benefits.  These veterans must still meet the strict eligibility requirements for a disability allowance.

Social Security plans to launch the expedited process in mid-March.

For information about this service, please visit

For more about Social Security’s handling of Wounded Warrior’s disability claims, please visit

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Re: Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

kid purington
..Appreciative of post Paul...i fall under this category and was not aware of posted information.
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Re: Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

Red Cummings
you don't have to be 100% I got mine when I had 40%
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Re: Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

kid purington
Red...i have two veteran buddies who are 100% (T&P) and have not filed for SSD, don't want to hassle with filing claims due to their own agendas...i can now pass this info on to them...yes i also receive my SSD, got it before i was rated by VA back in 1994...VA had me at 30% at the time, situation changed for myself i went to 100% (T&P)..1996 by VA...went before board, took all of five minutes for decision as my combat record was put before them by DAV rep...Veteran on board said this man should have been rated 100% in 1973 when he first filed claim... got 10% for head shot back then..bailed outa system and went back to surviving...
...I was constantly reminded by VA back then, NAVY.!! they had no gunships in Vietnam..Glad they got their heads outa there behinds.!!!....
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Re: Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

Howard Jacobs
In reply to this post by Paul Albertine
Thanks for the post Paul.. hope all is well with you and the family.

When they say meeting the strict eligibility requirements.. one is that you have full amount of quarters or credits paid into SS.  I don't have enough and I'm not able to collect this SS disability.
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Re: Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

bill rutledge
i called the main office and was told that since i was drawing ssi since i was 62 that i could not get Disability ssi now, to be tax free, it that true
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Re: Social Security Disability claims for Veterans 100% permenant

Paul Albertine
I don't have a law degree but did some research and found this on a 'law blog'...good luck

The only exception is for an individual who took early retirement through Social Security, which is possible at 62, before being approved for disability benefits.
Disabled before early retirement benefits start. If an individual drew less than a full monthly retirement benefit for a period of time, and then was approved for disability benefits, Social Security will make up the difference between the early retirement amount and the full disability amount for those months the individual was disabled but receiving early retirement benefits (retroactively).
For example, say you quit work because of health probems, started to collect early retirement benefits for a time, and then applied for and got approved for disability benefits. If Social Security agreed that your disability started before you started to collect early retirement, Social Security would pay you the difference between your disability payment (which is equal to your full retirement payment) and your early retirement payment for those months that you received early retirement payments. (The difference between your early retirement payment at age 62 and your disability payment is currently 25% of your full retirement amount.) In addition, when you reach full retirement age, you would get your full retirement benefit, as if you had never opted to collect early retirement payments. Here's an example of switching from early retirement to disability.
In addition, you would get the benefit of the disability freeze, which means that your lack of income due to disability is not counted when calculating your Socal Security retirement payment from your earnings record.
Disabled after early retirement benefits start. However, if you were collecting early retirement benefits before Social Security says you were disabled, Social Security will not pay you the difference between your disability payment and the early retirement payment, and you would be paid at a less-than-full retirement rate for the rest of your life. Similarly, if Social Security denied your disability claim outright, you would continue to receive early retirement payments at the early retirement rate for the rest of your life.
Strategy for Deciding When to Take Early Retirement
While some people who quit work at age 62 purposefully apply for disability and elect early retirement at the same time, so that the early retirement payments fill the gap until the disability payments start, remember that there is no guarantee you'll be granted disability benefits, and you could be stuck collecting less than your full retirement rate for the rest of your life. Still, this can work for those people who are severely impaired and are sure that they will get disability benefits. Getting disability benefits for those over 60 is easier than for younger folks, and Social Security gives special consideration to those over 65.
If you are considering this course of action, talk to a disability lawyer, who can help you assess your financial options and your chances of winning disability benefits.