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Sincere Thank You from Widow of Seawolf Billy M. Newberry

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Sincere Thank You from Widow of Seawolf Billy M. Newberry

Dan Arnes
I received an email 9/14/14 from the widow of Seawolf Billy Newberry who died 3/16/2014, and was buried in Houston National Cemetery, Houston, TX on 5/12/14.

"Hello Mr. Arnes,
First let me thank you and your group for the donation to St. Jude's [Children's Research Hospital] on Bill's behalf and the rose tree, which is planted outside my kitchen window (and even with my brown thumb I have not managed to kill it yet.)  In particular, your group's representation at Bill's internment was deeply appreciated.
[Our] son, Benjamin Newberry, would like to further memorialize his father with a tattoo.  He knows how much Bill's service and your organization meant to his Dad, and he was wondering if it would be ok if he got a tattoo of the Seawolf emblem.  He has not served in the armed forces and does not know if this would be disrespectful to those who have served.  That is not his intent, and if it would be disrespectful, he will figure out another option.  You might have some ideas as well.  Ben just wants to honor his father, and do it in a way that is respectful, and that his father would also have found respectful.
Thank you for giving this matter your consideration.  It will mean a lot to Ben, regardless of the answer.
Again, thank you and your organization for all your support.  I was not expecting any of it, and given how much Bill's service meant to him, I was warmly appreciative.

My reply:

"Hi Rose/Benjamin,

First, please let me mention the donation was from the Seawolf Association as a close brotherhood, not individuals like myself.

I think the tattoo would be a nice tribute to Bill.

I would suggest something added under/above the tattoo, like; "In Honor of Dad", or something similar, simple, and acceptable to Benjamin, to indicate the meaning of the tattoo, not just the tattoo. That would definitely be fitting and acceptable with any Seawolf (including Bill).


Received another email this morning:

"Hello again Mr. Arnes.
Thank you for your quick reply.  Ben is still considering exactly what text he is going to add to the design of the tattoo, but is very appreciative of your input and reply.  I would also like to thank you for another way you assisted me.  This was the first time I have actually succeeded in writing out a thank you for anyone's (or organization's) actions with respect to Bill's memorial service.  I have thanked people in person, but have been unable to write any thank you notes.  Just the short message to you seems to have broken through my "blockage" in this regard.  I am very thankful, as I have felt very ashamed at not being able to follow through on this aspect of our loss.  I am hoping moving forward with this will prove cathartic.


I'm not aware of who all attended the memorial service, but I do know Seawolf Russell Fechner attended.

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Re: Sincere Thank You from Widow of Seawolf Billy M. Newberry

kid purington
...thanks for post'n Dan...

..R.I.P. Seawolf, Billy M. Newberry..

Prayers for Rose and family..

..i agree with your tat idea for Benjamin too.
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Re: Sincere Thank You from Widow of Seawolf Billy M. Newberry

Mike Dobson
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
I'm on board with the tattoo --- anyone who knows of the SEAWOLVES will know that your son is not trying to claim "false Honor" -- his age is a give away there ------- by all means, I too agree to the tattoo --- it is an honor to us all I believe
Mike Dobson (ROH)