Shannon Arballo

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Shannon Arballo

Shannon Arballo
Hi there!!! Happy Sunday! Today is a special day, National Vietnam War Veterans Day. We’d like to invite you to join us this afternoon at 4:30 PST for a first ever, ZOOM Meeting with us and some Seawolves. We’ll be able to see one another on screen and hear each other speak. This is a special Opportunity to catch up and ask any questions you may have about the Seawolf Mission during the Vietnam War. Right now, we’re limited to 100 participants. In order to participate please download Zoom through your APP Store or on your computer if you have a camera and microphone.
Please let us know if you have any questions. Once you download ZOOM, please click on the link to the join the meeting at 4:30pm PST

Jeff ARBALLO is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

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