Seawolf Scholarship fund sometimes reaches farther than we think

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Seawolf Scholarship fund sometimes reaches farther than we think

Michael Dobson
    As Ship Store manager, I often am pleased to see additional donations for our scholarship fund (which is where all profits from the ship's store go ).  Sometimes those donations even exceed the amount of the order.  The generosity of or members always impresses me .   But, recently , I received a donation (and a order ) from a non member  (who is now applying for associate membership)  who asked to have her donation made in memory of 2 of our pilots from the 70-71 time period.  The donation has been made in memory of Mike "Chooch" Cannis , and Peter Navone . Diane met these pilots in San Diego after their return from HAL-3 and became friends with them. Years passed, and their paths went in different directions. Diane , in recent years went in search of these men to reminisce of the old times and renew contact with them . Sadly, both are deceased so the reunion cannot happen. Most of us know a case where we wish we had known of the stress one of our HAL-3 Veterans had been under and the unfortunate end that shipmate succumbed to. Peter was one of these cases, and Mike died of a major heart attack in '94, Diane Hedgecock has made a donation to our fund in memory of these two brave men .   Rest In Peace Shipmates, and thank you Diane for keeping their memory alive .
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Re: Seawolf Scholarship fund sometimes reaches farther than we think

Dan Arnes
Thanks for the "Intro" Mike!

NEW ASC Member Joined the Association

The Association Welcomes New Member
(ASC) Diane M. HEDGECOCK, Prior friend of Deceased Seawolves; MAJ (USMC) Michael “Choo Choo” Cannis and LCDR Pete Navone when they were CO/XO of a Squadron in San Diego.
They never spoke of Vietnam to her and was unaware of Seawolves or their connection to them.
She recently started looking for them on the internet, and found they had passed and then found our Association.
Diane is from Annapolis, MD, and wishes to support our Seawolf Educational Assistance Program.
