Seawolf Deaths after the Oklahoma Reunion

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Seawolf Deaths after the Oklahoma Reunion

   I have been asked by our President, Tom Hayes to gather information concerning all Seawolves that have and, unfortunately, will pass away before our next Reunion. This is a daunting task, but I am honored to be able to gather this very important information. Please send me an email at either seawolf7071@hotmail or my alternate email at PMing me on our Facebook page will help also.
   So far I have all the info on: Capt Richard Keenan (Asst Ops Officer 71-72as a LT.)
                                            William 'Bill' Chapman
                                            Alfred 'Al' Scott
   Thanks in advance for the help in gathering this information.
    Yours in Brotherhood, Don 'Tex' Morgan
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Re: Seawolf Deaths after the Oklahoma Reunion

Mike Dobson
Thanks Don ---- getting the word out fast helps immensely to be able to try to get Seawolves in the area notice of when and where to attend ----  there is more info on Bill Chapman on the Facebook page ---- It looks like he will be interred at Ft Snelling MN  on a date yet to be determined
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: Seawolf Deaths after the Oklahoma Reunion

  I have six names so far.  This may be more daunting than I first thought.
Respect All...Fear None