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SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

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SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Michael Steinberg
This post was updated on Oct 15, 2017; 8:05pm.
As his friend and neighbor for many years, I feel it is my responsibility to post here on the Seawolf Forum, the passing of one of your brothers. Stanley Richard Coldsnow, 79, died in a hospice in Turlock, California, Friday 13, 2017. He is to be cremated, and interred at the San Joaquin Veterans National Cemetery, 32053 W McCabe Road, Santa Nella, CA 95322. At his request, their is no funeral, just a grave-side service.

I was good friends with Stanley, and we worked together on a job for several more. I am also a Navy veteran, and he shared so many stories with me about his time with the SeaWolves in Vietnam. Some of the stories are sad; some would anger you; many spoke of the bravery of the SeaWolves in action; and many were so funny, that we laughed and laughed, even though he repeated them sometimes...they were still good! I had many of my own, for my time in the Navy as a 2nd Class Signalman, and he enjoyed mine as well. He had nary a thing to say bad about anyone. He always spoke in beaming pride, and admiration for his pilot;  Cmdr. Stock. I'll always remember all the stories he told me forever. Stanley and I were both the same age. He was six months older than me. I am also 79, born in June, 1938. I live across the street from his house. If anyone would like relay message to his family, I will  be glad to do it.

Mike C. Steinberg  mcsteiny@yahoo.com
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Dan Arnes
Thank You Michael for letting us know.

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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Michael La Bella (ROH)
In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
Michael, thank you for this sad news,i hope his passing was peaceful. and love to the family, just tell
them he is waiting in the hangar in the sky till we all assembly there, then in one mad Scramble the Seawolves we will ascend on heavens pearly gates,
You've never lived until you almost died, for those who fight for it
freedom has a flavor the protected will never Know!
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Jim Plona
In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
RIP Stan!
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Mike Brinck
In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
I served on Det 7 with Stan and CDR Stock.  Both were Mr Calm, Cool and Collected regardless of the situation.  RIP to both, they were the best.

SW 70
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

David Smale
In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
Mike thanks for posting on the passing of Stan. It has hit a nerve with me and I read it with great sadness. I considered him a good friend although we have not talked in a couple years. He was my first POinC on det 7 with the Seawolves and was instrumental in my later transferring to Det 1.  I had great respect and affection for him and I think he felt the same about me--but I would not play cards with that man. Commander Merl Stock was the real deal. He was one of the most influential men in my life. He died a few years ago but until his death he had great affection and concern for those who were fortunate to have served under his leadership on Det 7. (Mike B. you had that right they were both cool, calm and collected. I hope you are doing well. We are retired and in Western NC now. It is time for me to follow up on that interview with Joe Galloway. I will let you know if I can get access or a copy)

Mike C. I assume Stan still lived in Newman Ca. We hoped to visit him in the next year or 2 with our plans to hike in Yosmite NP. I am a decade behind you guys. I am going to reflect on this a bit and then send you an email to share with his family at this difficult time. It sounds like Stan was a good friend. That is good. He could spin a yarn. I am glad and grateful you made the effort to share this on the Seawolf Association forum. Stan kind of lost touch with the Association.

Dan thanks for posting the photo of Stan.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Rod Chelius
Fair Winds and Following Seas. Rest in Peace, Stan. Condolences to your family. God bless your sole. Soar with the angels.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

fred stark
In reply to this post by David Smale
sorry to hear of stans passing, we had some good times together. we were together again in vs 41 . that was the last i heard oF him again, was a great person. fair wind and following seas.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Mike Dobson
Fair winds and following seas Stan . I never served with Cdr Stock or Stan on Det 7 --- but I did fly with one of the very best that you both influenced -- Dave Smale ---- you guys trained a hell of a gunner !
Mike Dobson (ROH)
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Michael Steinberg
This post was updated on Oct 19, 2017; 10:52am.
In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
Guy's...I have just talked with one of Stan's sons. He had specified in his will, that he didn't want a funeral, or services of any kind. He just wanted to be cremated, and interred at the Veterans Cemetary, and if anyone wanted to come by and pay respects...he'd see you then. That sure was Stanley! He was very set in his ways and he wouldn't waver. He loved baseball...but years ago, when they had the strike...he didn't agree with them, and he never watched another baseball game again till the day he died. We used to sit on his front porch, and drink coffee and talk...and argue! We were like minded, but not on everything. I'm also a hard-headed old fool. His family told me they used to sit inside and listen to us talk about everything. And when we argued, they used to laugh. Sometimes we wouldn't talk for a couple of weeks. But we'd always make up, and be friends again. I heard him talk about all you guy's, and things that you went through. I know some of your names by heart even though I've never met you, I feel like I know you. We both moved into our houses within a few short months of each other in 1989. We rode out the Loma Prieta earthquake together. Stan and I worked together in engineering at a local cheese plant. I spent 20 years there, and he was there I think for 10-12 years. So we were pals for 32 years. Recently, before he died, his wife asked me to help move him from a hospital he was in, to a rehab in another city. I did gladly. He was sitting in a wheel chair, grabbed my hand and told me "thanks for everything Mike." I said, "it was a pleasure. I get to be there for you, when you were there for me." A few years ago, my car broke down on the way to work. I had no one to turn to except Stan. I called him at 4:30 a.m, broke down. He got out of bed and drove to my location and helped me nurse my car back to my driveway. The next 4 mornings in a row, he got up at 4:00 a.m, and took me to work so I could keep my job, without being asked. Sitting in his wheel chair, he looked up and said, "I know we had some rocky times as friends..." I interrupted him and put my arm around him and said, ..."but I was always in your corner...always." He said, "I know you were...I know you were." I'm writing this with tears in my eyes guy's...I'm not a softy...he was a hell of guy.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

David Smale
We call that having sand in our eyes Mike. And wer are pretty tough also. Great post. Vintage Stan as you will appreciate when you hear from me. I intend to send you an personal email tomorrow. I will have some time then. We respect Stan wishes on the lack of service. I totally get it and may be doing the same. Thanks for being a great friend.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Michael Steinberg
Thanks Dave, I look forward to your reply.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

kid purington
In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
                                                                     ...RIP SeaWolf...

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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

In reply to this post by Michael Steinberg
Rest In Peace Stanley. Our thoughts & prayers for your family.
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Barbara Stock
In reply to this post by Dan Arnes
Occasionally, I peek at the Seawolves site.  While I'm not one of you, I do hold you all in high esteem!  Today, for some reason, I was drawn to the site.  When I encountered the entry about Stan Coldsnow, I knew why.
I had met Stan in person only one time at the 2000 reunion in San Diego.  However, we have talked often since my husband's death in 2005.  Through his kind, thoughtful phone calls, I came to think of Stan as not only my husband's friend, but as my friend as well -- and a truer friend would be hard to find!
  My husband always felt it was a privilege to have served with the Det 7 team -- so I know he was the first to welcome Stan when Stan arrived at their new duty station, and he is saying, "Welcome Aboard, true and faithful friend!!
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Re: SeaWolf: Stanley Richard Coldsnow

Lee Hicks
Stan was the one that found me to let me know about the association in 2001. We had a lot of good times when we were in Binh Thuy at the same time. Always wanted to see him but he wouldn't make it to the Reunions. I thought I would see him in San Diego.