Hi there,
We are so glad that you and your family appreciated the completed film! It was an honor and privilege to produce the captivating story of the Seawolves. From humble beginnings to becoming the most decorated squadron in Naval Aviation History. We couldn't be more happy with the feedback we have received so far. To think it has only been a month, today, that we premiered it on the flight deck of the USS Midway. This is only the beginning and can not wait to share YOUR story with Americans across the country. You ALL are heroes to us. As a Daughter of a Seawolf, Joe Crutcher (Plankowner 67-68, Vung Tao), I was like most children and family. We knew that our Dad's served during the Vietnam War and knew that they were a Seawolf, but it wasnt until we started working on the film, did I truly learn just how unique and special the Squadron was.
THANK YOU for your service and sacrifice!
Take care,
Shannon Arballo