Scramble the Seawolves screening in Peoria and Bloomington Illinois....

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Scramble the Seawolves screening in Peoria and Bloomington Illinois....

Shannon Arballo
Hello Seawolves!!  Can you believe it has only been 10 months since we premiered Scramble the Seawolves.  Just to bring you up to speed, the film has aired in 45 States and on over 150 different PBS stations across the country.  We have had many Public Screenings across the country, including NAS Fallon, NAS North Island (today), Navy Postgraduate School (Thank you, Mitch Brown,  for hosting), the US Naval Academy, virtual screening with the US Naval Institute and many others.

We'll continue to keep you all updated regarding additional Broadcast Dates/Times as we are working hard to get this on ALL PBS Stations in the Country.  

I believe my Dad, Joe Crutcher, shared the details of the Peoria screening awhile ago, but I wanted to be sure to share the link.  He has worked very hard to personally connect with the Seawolves who reside in the immediate area of screenings like this.  It's such a special opportunity, one that we should all be a part of.   Jeff and I privileged and honored to be messengers of YOUR STORY!!!  

In the meantime, If you live in the PEORIA, Illinois area, WTVP will be hosting a screening of Scramble the Seawolves on Tuesday August 6th @ 6:30PM.  Following the screening  there will be a Q&A with Seawolves in attendance.   They've had popcorn donated as a special "treat" for all that attend.  Here is the link for the event
There are only 26 Seats left!!

...AND there's more!  Beyond thrilled to share that Scramble the Seawolves will be screened at the beautifully restored Historic, Normal Theater, in our Hometown of Bloomington Illinois on Wednesday, August 7th @ 7PM.  What a blessing to be able to share the Seawolf story with our Family and Friends in a place that means so much to us personally.  Please click the link below to register for your tickets.