Scramble the Seawolves Screening

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Scramble the Seawolves Screening

Joe Crutcher

I want to let all know that there will be a screening of our story " Scramble the Seawolves" in Peoria Illinois (Central Illinois) on the 6th of August 2019 at 7:00 pm..             My hometown (Bloomington) is 40 miles from Peoria. I will be traveling with Shannon and Jeff to attend. I am told there are limited open seats available and I am attaching the link to this so that anyone who is able to go can reserve seats now. The seats are free so just click on the link and follow the instructions on the flyer. I suspect that many of you that would like to attend will not be able to for one reason or another but.there will be some Seawolves there and of course I also will be there to support Jeff and Shannon and represent our Squadron as they continue to spread our story.  The venue has a seating capacity of approximately 200 seats and is open to the public so if you would like to reserve a seat please try to do so soon. The station tells us first come first served. All the information about the screening is on the link that is attached here.…          Hope to see you there !!  If you have any problems signing up let me know. email  jdakota@   Let me know if you are going so I will have somewhat of a headcount.  Thanks, Joe Crutcher